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Thinking about doing your ML? Not too sure how you go about it? Well, Climb a Mountain, in association with Andy Newton MIC (one of the UK's most respected ML course providers) hold specific weekend courses to help you navigate your way through to the mandatory training course and the then the assessment.

Our affordable weekend courses take you through every part of the scheme.

We explain, in plain English, how to get yourself ready to gain the ML award.

Want find out about the Summer ML without having to navigate all the way through it on your own? Well, this is a course for you. We hold courses on ML skills BEFORE you commit to the official Training Course. Our course lets you try out things in a relaxed atmosphere - 'relaxed' means that you can safely make mistakes without any fear of being branded a numpty. We all started somewhere in our mountaineering careers, and we have all made some embarrassing mistakes. Our course shows the skills, lets you practice and gain confidence in your own ability - which will grow and grow....

The courses, staged in association with Andy Newton MIC, one of the UK's most respected ML course Providers, are over two 2-day weekends, and covering all the major ML syllabus topics - navigation, route finding and choice, group management, ropework, expedition camping, an introduction to weather interpretation, and access and conservation.

The Mountain Leader Award (ML) lets you to lead walking groups anywhere in the UK’s mountains, in anything other than winter conditions. You can use the ML to lead groups or individuals, or it can be an Award you just want to undertake as part of your very own Continued Professional Development.

The ML is a combination of technical skills, wide experience and personal leadership qualities, which forms the basis for effective group management.  The scheme assesses all these aspects.

The scheme consists of six stages:


First Aid is an essential skill and at the point of assessment a candidate requires a current first aid qualification. The minimum requirement is that such a course must involve at least two full days, or sixteen hours, of instruction and include an element of assessment.

Weekend courses are held in North Wales, the Lakes and Peak District. Costs are £125 per person per weekend for two full days. Superior bunkhouse accomodation is an optional extra and one weekend will include an overnight wild camp. To book your course - click here.

T: +(44) 7860 339 303


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